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4U Developer Site: Data Models
4U Developer Site: Data Models

A brief overview to help you get oriented

Updated over a week ago

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  • Data Models: You're here!

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  • API Documentation: A live swagger UI using OpenAOI 3.0.1 that plays nicely with Postman and similar tooling

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We're invested in producing thoughtful, easy to understand and use APIs that empower you to interact with the 4U Platform in a simple and effective fashion. The simpler and more intuitive the API, the better!

Content & Content Version Records

Our base record is the Content record. It can be thought of as a "container" for various Content Versions.

One Content record contains zero or more Content Version records. A Content record with zero Content Version records is essentially "waiting" for its Content Version records to be added. Correspondingly, each Content Version record belongs to one, and only one, Content Record.

In real terms, a Content Version record corresponds to a specific version of a specific piece of content that is submitted through the 4U Platform.

In REST terms,

  • /content/1234 represents the Content "container" with id 1234

  • /content/1234/version/456 represents the Content Version record with id 456 that is contained by Content 1234

In the 4U Platform UI, that Content Version record with id 456 might correspond to an already approved v1.0 piece of content. If there were a second version v2.0 it would be a separate Content Version record "contained" within the same Content 1234 record.

In short, the Content container is what allows multiple Content Version records to be associated together.

Again, in REST terms,

  • /content/1234/version/456 might represent version 1.0

  • /content/1234/version/789 might represent version 2.0

Additionally, the Content record allows the system to store properties that span across Content Versions. Any metadata that spans across all Content Versions (aka cross-version fields) are properties of the Content record. In the 4U UI, the Content-level cross-version fields include the "Engage Settings'.

Any property that varies across the different versions of content, belong to the Content Version records. For example, the Provider Ref Code or the expiration date. It's ultimately a specific Content Version record that receives an approval code from a partner firm.

4U Connect Content Form UI

For a general explanation of the manual equivalent of creating Content and Content Version records including more context about the various fields and their purposes, see our Content Form Explained help article.

Data Mapping

A comprehensive discussion of data mapping is beyond the scope of this help article. However, from the very beginning it's worth thinking about how your data best maps to this model.

Ultimately, we want you to be able to add your data into 4U in a way that allows the relationship to be tracked so that, for example, once the content is approved, your partners' approval codes can be tied back to your source data.

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