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4U Engage for Advisors & Sales Support

Three simple steps to set up your personalized Dashboard and an overview of key 4U Engage pages.

Updated over a week ago

Welcome to 4U!

4U Engage connects advisors to investment companies through a powerful and personalized dashboard where product and marketing resources can be searched and found in one place (e.g. client education, white papers, brochures, presentations, seminars, fact sheets, videos). Learn how 4U Engage can help you be more productive by watching our brief video!

Follow the steps below to set up your personalized Dashboard and see a quick overview of key pages and functions.

Getting Started - Click Let's Begin to set up your personalized Dashboard.

Step 1. Choose Partner Companies.

All Investment Companies your firm partners with will be listed. Scroll or search and choose companies you are interested in following. The eyeball indicates permission for a Partner Company to view your identity and activities. Click the icon now, or any time in the future, to follow anonymously. Additional details about privacy options for Following Companies can be found here.

Step 2. Choose Products.

Select the Products you utilize in your practice or are interested in learning more about.

Step 3. Choose Other Topics

Select any Other Topics that you are interested in learning more about.

That's it! Once Other Topics are selected, click Take me to my dashboard.

Your Dashboard:

Welcome to your personalized Dashboard! We use predictive analytics to continually customize your 4U Dashboard...the more you use it, the more it will be customized for you.

Your personalized Dashboard has been created from your selections and provides information Relevant 4U and your business. At the top, you will see a scrolling selection of Content that is trending across 4U.

Your Dashboard is comprised of the following segments:

My Company Follows - click here to learn more details about My Company Follows

Relevant 4U - Content most relevant to you. The Relevancy Score (0-100) on each tile indicates how relevant each piece of content is to your selected interests and ongoing usage. Throughout sections, you can see more content by clicking the carrot to the right or by choosing "See All".

Following 4U - Content from companies you follow.

Trending and Most Viewed at your Firm - Content trending and most viewed by others at your firm.

Latest Content available at your firm.

Search and Browse:

How do I find what I want? 4U Engage has robust Search and Browse features that allow you to Search or Browse Content, Partner Companies, and Partner Contacts. All information is housed in one convenient location - making it quick and easy to find the most current Partner Content - no more searching through emails or websites.

To Search for a particular topic, company, or contact simply type a keyword or phrase in the search box.

The Browse Page:

To navigate to the Browse Page, simply choose Browse at the top of your Dashboard.

The Browse Page provides you with a menu of Companies, Contacts, Content, and Calendar to browse. Filters are provided on the left navigation bar to narrow your searches and provides a quick and easy way to find information you are looking for.

Companies is a full list of all Investment Companies your Wealth Manager Firm Partners with and whose Content you can engage with on 4U. Don't forget to Follow your favorites and some new ones too!

Contacts is a list of Sales Contact, specific to your location, for your Investment Company Partners. Simply remove the default filter for "My Locations" to see all Contacts for a Partner.

Calendar is a list of upcoming Advisor Only Events hosted by your Investment Company Partners. You can easily register for and add Events to your Calendar right from the Calendar page.

The Content Page:

When you see a piece of Content that interests you, simply click the title and it will bring you to the Content Page. Here, you will view the Content as well as important items:

  • Intended audience (Advisor or Public Use)

  • Approval code (if applicable at your firm)

  • Download the PDF File

  • Shareable Links

  • Bookmark for favorite Content

  • Request a Meeting with your Wholesaler

  • Request more Information from the Partner Firm (content provider)

  • More Content from the company who provided the chosen Content

  • Similar Content from other companies

A Note on Shareable Links. Shareable Links include both

  • Internal Use Links - to share Content with internal team members

  • Public Use Links - to share Content Public Use Content with external sources, like Clients

The Company Page:

The Company Page is your one-stop shop for important information about the partner companies that provide Content to your firm. The Company Page provides you with quick, easy access to all of this Partner's available and approved Content, as well as their Company Contacts. Contacts are based on your location, making it easy to find the Wholesaler covering your specific location. All Content can be filtered by Category / Subcategory or click See All to see all of this partner's content.


How do I view my profile, change my interests and set email notifications?

Navigate to Profile, Interests, and Notifications using the carrot next to your name in the top right corner. Here, you can do things like upload your image, modify interests by selecting and de-selecting items, and set email notifications.

How is my information being shared?

Check out 4U's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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